
Edibles are food products that contain cannabis compounds and deliver the same effects as smoking or vaporizing cannabis. They come in various forms such as baked goods, gummies, chocolates, and beverages. When consumed, edibles go through stages of consumption, digestion, absorption in the intestines, metabolism in the liver, circulation throughout the body, and eventual elimination through urine.

The onset and duration of effects from edibles are slower and longer-lasting compared to inhalation methods. Factors such as dosage, tolerance, metabolism, frequency of use, and body fat percentage influence how long edibles stay in the system. Edibles can be detectable in the bloodstream for 1-2 days, in urine for 1-3 days to a few weeks to a few months for daily users, in saliva for a few hours to 24-48 hours, and in hair follicles for 90 days or more. The effects of edibles can last 4-12 hours or even longer, with potential side effects including mood changes, increased heart rate, dry mouth, and intense dreams or hallucinations.

Key Takeaways:

  • Edibles are food products that contain cannabis compounds and have effects similar to smoking or vaporizing cannabis.
  • They come in various forms such as baked goods, gummies, chocolates, and beverages.
  • The onset and duration of effects from edibles are slower and longer-lasting compared to inhalation methods.
  • Factors such as dosage, tolerance, metabolism, frequency of use, and body fat percentage influence how long edibles stay in the system.
  • Edibles can be detectable in the bloodstream, urine, saliva, and hair follicles for varying lengths of time.

Types of Edibles

When it comes to cannabis-infused edibles, there is a wide variety of options available. These edibles come in different forms, each offering a unique way to consume cannabis. Some of the most popular types of edibles include:

  • Baked Goods: This category includes delicious treats like brownies, cookies, cakes, and muffins. Cannabis-infused baked goods are a popular choice among edibles enthusiasts.
  • Cannabis-Infused Gummies: Gummies are a convenient and tasty way to consume cannabis. They come in various flavors and shapes, making them a popular choice for those who prefer a fruity and chewy edible.
  • Chocolates: Cannabis-infused chocolates offer a smooth and indulgent way to enjoy the effects of cannabis. From chocolate bars to truffles, there is a wide range of options to satisfy any sweet tooth.
  • Beverages: If you prefer to drink your cannabis, there are beverages available that are infused with cannabis. These include teas, coffees, juices, and even cannabis-infused sodas.

These are just a few examples of the types of edibles available. With such a diverse range of options, there is something to suit everyone’s taste preferences.

How Edibles Work in the Body

When it comes to understanding how edibles work in the body, it’s important to consider the process of digestion, absorption of cannabinoids, liver metabolism, circulation, and elimination. After consuming an edible, the saliva begins to break it down in the mouth before it moves to the stomach for further digestion. However, the majority of cannabinoid absorption occurs in the small intestine, where they are absorbed into the bloodstream and then metabolized by the liver.

In the liver, THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis, is converted into a more potent form called 11-hydroxy-THC. This conversion leads to a more intense and long-lasting effect compared to smoking or vaping cannabis. After metabolism, the cannabinoids are distributed throughout the body, resulting in the onset of effects within 30 minutes to an hour. Once metabolized, cannabinoids are eliminated from the body through urine.

Key steps in the digestion and metabolism of edibles:

  1. Consumption: Edibles are consumed orally, typically in the form of baked goods, gummies, chocolates, or beverages.
  2. Saliva breakdown: The saliva in the mouth begins to break down the edible.
  3. Digestion: The edible moves to the stomach for further digestion.
  4. Absorption: Most cannabinoid absorption occurs in the small intestine, where they enter the bloodstream.
  5. Liver metabolism: In the liver, THC is converted into 11-hydroxy-THC, resulting in a more potent and long-lasting effect.
  6. Circulation: The cannabinoids are distributed throughout the body via the bloodstream.
  7. Elimination: After being metabolized, cannabinoids are eliminated from the body through urine.

Understanding the process of how edibles work in the body is key to comprehending their onset and duration of effects, as well as how long they may stay detectable in drug tests.

The Onset and Duration of Edibles Vs. Inhaled Cannabis

When it comes to the onset and duration of effects, there are clear differences between edibles and inhaled cannabis. The effects of edibles take longer to kick in compared to inhaled cannabis, with an onset time of around 30 minutes to an hour. On the other hand, inhaled cannabis produces effects within seconds or minutes of consumption. This variation in onset time is due to the different ways in which the body processes and absorbs cannabinoids.

While the onset of effects from edibles may be slower, the duration of these effects is much longer. The effects of edibles can last anywhere from 4-12 hours or even longer, depending on factors such as dosage, tolerance, and metabolism. In contrast, the effects of inhaled cannabis start to wear off within the first hour of consumption. This prolonged duration of effects is one of the reasons why edibles are popular among those looking for a longer-lasting and more sustained experience.

It’s important to note that the effects of edibles can be more intense and potent compared to inhaled cannabis. When you consume edibles, THC is metabolized in the liver and converted into a more potent form called 11-hydroxy-THC. This metabolite produces a stronger psychoactive effect, resulting in a more profound and long-lasting experience. In contrast, inhaled cannabis delivers THC directly to the bloodstream, resulting in a quicker onset of effects but with a shorter duration.

EdiblesInhaled Cannabis
Slower onset (30 minutes to an hour)Quick onset (seconds to minutes)
Longer duration (4-12 hours or longer)Shorter duration (within the first hour)
Intense and potent effectsQuick-acting but less intense effects

In summary, the onset and duration of effects from edibles and inhaled cannabis differ significantly. Edibles have a slower onset but a longer duration of effects, thanks to the conversion of THC in the liver. In contrast, inhaled cannabis produces quicker-acting but shorter-lasting effects. It’s important to consider these factors when choosing the consumption method that best suits your needs and preferences.

Factors That Influence How Long Edibles Stay in Your System

When it comes to determining how long edibles stay in your system, several factors come into play. These factors can contribute to variations in the duration of effects and detection times of cannabinoids from edibles. Here, we explore some key factors that influence the duration of edibles in your system.


The dosage of THC in edibles plays a significant role in how long they stay in your system. Higher doses of THC result in longer-lasting effects and can take longer to metabolize and eliminate from the body. It’s important to be mindful of the potency of the edibles you consume and adjust your dosage accordingly.


Individuals who regularly consume cannabis products may develop a tolerance to THC over time. Tolerance can affect how long edibles stay in your system, as regular users may metabolize THC more efficiently. This means that frequent consumers may eliminate THC at a faster rate compared to occasional or first-time users.


Your metabolism plays a crucial role in how long edibles stay in your system. Metabolism refers to the processes by which your body breaks down and eliminates substances. Individuals with faster metabolisms may process and eliminate THC more quickly, resulting in shorter detection times. Conversely, individuals with slower metabolisms may retain THC in their system for a longer period.

Frequency of Use

The frequency of edible consumption can also impact how long they stay in your system. Regular or daily users may have longer detection times due to the cumulative buildup of THC in their system. Infrequent or occasional users, on the other hand, may eliminate THC more rapidly, resulting in shorter detection times.

Body Fat Percentage

The distribution and retention of THC in the body can be influenced by body fat percentage. THC is lipophilic, meaning it binds to fat cells. Individuals with higher body fat percentages may retain THC for a longer duration compared to those with lower body fat percentages. This is because THC can be released from fat cells over time, prolonging its presence in the body.

By considering these factors, you can have a better understanding of how long edibles may stay in your system. However, it is important to note that individual responses may vary. If you have concerns about the duration of edibles in your system, consulting a healthcare professional can provide personalized guidance and advice.

factors influencing duration of edibles

Detection Times for Edibles

When it comes to detecting the presence of THC from edibles, different types of drug tests have varying detection times. Here is an overview of the detection times for edibles:

Blood Tests

Blood tests can detect THC in the bloodstream for approximately 1-2 days after consuming edibles. This type of test is often used in situations where recent drug use needs to be determined.

Urine Tests

Urine tests have a wider detection window and can detect THC in urine for 1-3 days. However, for frequent or heavy users, THC can be detected in urine for several weeks or even months after edible consumption.

Saliva Tests

Saliva tests are commonly used in roadside or workplace drug testing. They can detect THC in saliva for a few hours to 24-48 hours after consuming edibles.

Hair Follicle Tests

Hair follicle tests have the longest detection window, capable of detecting THC in hair for 90 days or more. This type of test is less commonly used but can provide information about past edible consumption.

Drug Test TypeDetection Time
Blood Tests1-2 days
Urine Tests1-3 days (longer for frequent users)
Saliva TestsFew hours to 24-48 hours
Hair Follicle Tests90 days or more

It’s important to note that these detection times can vary depending on individual factors such as metabolism, weight, and body fat percentage. Additionally, the accuracy and reliability of drug tests can also play a role in determining the detection of THC from edibles. Understanding these detection times can help individuals make informed decisions and be aware of potential consequences related to edible consumption.

Potential Effects and Duration of Impairment

When consuming edibles, it’s important to be aware of the potential effects they can have on both the mind and the body. The psychoactive effects of edibles can vary depending on factors such as dosage, individual tolerance, and the specific strain of cannabis used. These effects can include feelings of euphoria or sedation, heightened sensory perception, and changes in mood. However, it’s also important to note that edibles can sometimes induce negative effects such as anxiety or paranoia, especially when consumed in high doses or by individuals who are more sensitive to the psychoactive properties of cannabis.

The duration of impairment caused by edibles can also be longer compared to other methods of cannabis consumption. While the effects of smoked or vaporized cannabis typically wear off within a few hours, the effects of edibles can last anywhere from 4 to 12 hours or even longer. This prolonged duration of impairment can be attributed to the way edibles are metabolized in the body, particularly the conversion of THC into a more potent form known as 11-hydroxy-THC in the liver. As a result, individuals who consume edibles should exercise caution and avoid engaging in activities that require mental acuity or physical coordination during the period of impairment.

It’s important to remember that the effects and duration of impairment can vary from person to person. Factors such as body chemistry, metabolism, and individual sensitivity can influence how an individual responds to edibles. Additionally, the specific formulation and potency of the edible product can also play a role in determining the intensity and duration of the effects. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, it’s recommended to start with a low dose and gradually increase it as needed, while always being mindful of personal tolerance and limitations.

“Consuming edibles can result in a range of psychoactive effects, including feelings of euphoria or sedation, changes in mood, and heightened sensory perception. However, individuals should also be aware of the potential for negative effects such as anxiety or paranoia. The duration of impairment caused by edibles can be longer compared to other methods of cannabis consumption, lasting anywhere from 4 to 12 hours or even longer. Factors such as individual metabolism, body chemistry, and the formulation of the edible product can influence how an individual responds to edibles.”

Duration of Impairment
Potential EffectsDuration
Euphoria or sedation4-12 hours or longer
Changes in mood4-12 hours or longer
Heightened sensory perception4-12 hours or longer
Anxiety or paranoia4-12 hours or longer

How Can You Reduce the Duration of THC in Your System?

Reducing the duration of THC in your system can be a challenging task, but there are strategies that may help. Here are some approaches to consider:

  1. Drink plenty of water: Staying hydrated is essential for flushing out toxins, including THC, from your body. Drinking ample water throughout the day can help promote urine production and eliminate THC metabolites.
  2. Engage in cardio exercises: Cardiovascular exercises, such as running, cycling, or swimming, can help burn stored fat where THC metabolites tend to accumulate. Incorporating regular cardio workouts into your routine may facilitate the elimination of THC through urine.
  3. Consume diuretics: Certain liquids, such as cranberry juice, green tea, and black tea, have diuretic properties. These beverages can increase urine output and potentially assist in flushing out THC from the body.
  4. Avoid consuming more edibles: To reduce the duration of THC in your system, it is crucial to refrain from consuming additional edibles. Continued consumption can prolong the presence of THC and its metabolites in your body.

While these strategies may aid in reducing the duration of THC in your system, it’s important to note that individual results may vary. Factors such as metabolism, frequency of use, and body composition can influence how quickly THC is eliminated. It’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding your specific situation.

The Role of Hydration

Drinking plenty of water is a crucial step in reducing the duration of THC in your system. Hydration helps promote urine production and facilitates the elimination of THC metabolites. Aim to consume at least eight cups (64 ounces) of water per day to maintain adequate hydration levels. However, excessive water consumption immediately before a drug test may dilute the urine, potentially raising suspicions. It’s essential to strike a balance and maintain consistent hydration throughout the day.

The Power of Exercise

Engaging in regular cardio exercises can aid in reducing the duration of THC in your system. Physical activity promotes fat burning, where THC metabolites can be stored, and helps eliminate them through urine. Incorporate activities such as jogging, cycling, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into your routine to maximize the benefits of exercise in reducing THC retention in the body.

The Impact of Diuretics

Diuretics are substances that increase urine production, potentially aiding in the elimination of THC from the body. Beverages like cranberry juice, green tea, and black tea have diuretic properties and may assist in flushing out THC metabolites. However, it’s important to consume diuretics in moderation and as part of a well-balanced diet to avoid any adverse effects.

Cautionary Note

While these strategies may help reduce the duration of THC in your system, it’s important to note that they do not guarantee immediate or complete elimination. Factors such as the amount of THC ingested, individual metabolism, and frequency of use can impact the effectiveness of these methods. Additionally, attempting to manipulate drug test results is highly discouraged and may have legal and professional consequences. Always prioritize your health and well-being, and consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Legal Implications

When it comes to edibles, there are several legal implications to consider. Different jurisdictions have different regulations and restrictions in place. Here are some key areas to be aware of:

  1. Age restrictions: Many places have age restrictions on purchasing and consuming cannabis products, including edibles. It is important to check the legal age limit in your jurisdiction.
  2. Possession limits: There may be limits on the amount of edibles one can possess for personal use. These limits are in place to regulate and control the use of cannabis products.
  3. Public consumption: In most jurisdictions, public consumption of edibles is prohibited. This means that consuming edibles in public places such as parks, sidewalks, and restaurants may result in fines or penalties.
  4. Crossing borders: Crossing state or country borders with edibles can have legal consequences. It is essential to familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction you are entering or leaving to avoid any legal issues.

It is important to understand and comply with the legal framework surrounding edibles in your area. Ignorance of the law is not a valid defense, and violating the regulations may have serious consequences. Always stay informed and ensure that you are abiding by the rules set forth by the authorities.

legal implications of edibles
Legal ImplicationDescription
Age restrictionsRestrictions on the minimum age for purchasing and consuming edibles
Possession limitsRegulations on the maximum amount of edibles one can possess for personal use
Public consumptionProhibition of consuming edibles in public places
Crossing bordersPotential legal consequences when traveling with edibles across state or country borders

Professional Implications

When it comes to edibles, there are several professional implications to consider. One of the most significant is drug testing in the workplace. Many companies conduct drug tests, including pre-employment screenings and periodic tests, to ensure a drug-free environment. It’s essential to be aware that the consumption of edibles can result in a positive drug test for THC, which could have consequences for employment.

Furthermore, certain professions have specific licensing and certification requirements. In some cases, negative drug test results may be necessary before obtaining a license or certification. Professions such as healthcare, law enforcement, and transportation may have strict regulations regarding the use of cannabis, including edibles. It’s crucial to understand the legal and ethical responsibilities within your profession and the potential impact of edibles on your professional status.

Treatment for Edible Addiction and Abuse

For individuals struggling with edible addiction and abuse, it is important to seek help from qualified healthcare professionals. They can provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. Consulting with a healthcare professional is an essential step towards understanding the underlying causes of addiction and developing effective strategies for recovery.

In addition to seeking help from healthcare professionals, joining support groups or therapy sessions can provide a sense of community and understanding. These groups offer a safe space to share experiences, receive emotional support, and learn from others who have faced similar challenges. Counseling and therapy sessions can also be beneficial in addressing underlying issues and developing coping mechanisms to manage addiction and prevent relapse.

For individuals requiring more intensive treatment, there are specialized treatment centers that focus on substance abuse and addiction. These centers offer a range of services, including detoxification, counseling, therapy, and holistic approaches to recovery. They provide a structured environment where individuals can receive comprehensive care and support to overcome their addiction.

Treatment Options for Edible Addiction and AbuseDescription
Healthcare ProfessionalConsult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized guidance and support.
Support GroupsJoin support groups or therapy sessions to connect with others facing similar challenges and receive emotional support.
Counseling and TherapyUndergo counseling and therapy to address underlying issues and develop coping strategies.
Treatment CentersConsider specialized treatment centers that focus on substance abuse and addiction for more intensive care and support.
Online ResourcesUtilize online resources for information, tools, and additional support in the recovery process.

Additionally, there are online resources available that can offer information, tools, and support for individuals struggling with edible addiction and abuse. These resources can supplement professional help and provide valuable insights and advice.

If you or someone you know is struggling with edible addiction and abuse, it is essential to take the first step in seeking help. Reach out to a healthcare professional, connect with support groups or therapy sessions, consider treatment centers, and utilize online resources. Remember, recovery is achievable with the right support and treatment.


In conclusion, the duration of edibles in the system varies depending on several factors such as dosage, tolerance, metabolism, frequency of use, and body fat percentage. When consumed, edibles go through stages of consumption, digestion, absorption, metabolism, circulation, and elimination. The effects of edibles are slower to onset but longer-lasting compared to inhaled cannabis. Different types of drug tests can detect the presence of THC from edibles for varying periods of time.

It is important to be aware of the potential side effects of edibles, which can include mood changes, increased heart rate, and dry mouth. Furthermore, legal and professional implications must be considered, as the regulations around edibles can vary depending on the jurisdiction and industry. If you or someone you know is struggling with edible addiction and abuse, seeking help from healthcare professionals, support groups, counseling and therapy, or treatment centers is recommended.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into the duration of edibles in the system and drug test detection. Remember to stay informed about the laws and regulations regarding edibles in your area and make responsible choices when consuming cannabis products.


How long do edibles stay in your system?

The duration of edibles in your system can vary based on factors such as dosage, tolerance, metabolism, frequency of use, and body fat percentage.

What are the different types of edibles available?

Edibles come in various forms including baked goods (brownies, cookies, cakes, muffins), cannabis-infused gummies, chocolates, hard candies, beverages (teas, coffees, juices), protein bars, frozen treats, and dried fruits.

How do edibles work in the body?

Edibles go through stages of consumption, digestion, absorption in the intestines, metabolism in the liver, circulation throughout the body, and eventual elimination through urine.

How do the onset and duration of edibles compare to inhaled cannabis?

The onset of effects from edibles is slower (30 minutes to an hour) compared to inhaled cannabis, but the duration is longer (4-12 hours or longer).

What factors influence how long edibles stay in your system?

Factors such as dosage, tolerance, metabolism, frequency of use, and body fat percentage can influence how long edibles stay in your system.

How long can edibles be detected in drug tests?

Different types of drug tests can detect THC from edibles for varying periods of time. Blood tests (1-2 days), urine tests (1-3 days to a few weeks or months for frequent users), saliva tests (a few hours to 24-48 hours), and hair follicle tests (90 days or more).

What are the potential effects of edibles and how long do they last?

The effects of edibles can last 4-12 hours or longer and can include mood changes, increased heart rate, dry mouth, increased appetite, feelings of euphoria or sedation, anxiety or paranoia, and intense dreams or hallucinations.

How can you reduce the duration of THC in your system?

Drinking plenty of water, engaging in cardio exercises, consuming diuretics, and avoiding consuming more edibles may help reduce the duration of THC in your system.

What are the legal implications of edibles?

The legal implications of edibles vary depending on the jurisdiction, with age restrictions, possession limits, and regulations on public consumption. Crossing borders between states or countries with different cannabis laws can also have legal consequences.

What are the professional implications of edibles?

Some workplaces conduct drug tests, and certain professions may have requirements for negative drug tests for licensing or certifications. It is important to be aware of the professional implications of edibles in specific industries and job roles.

What are the treatment options for edible addiction and abuse?

Treatment options include reaching out to healthcare professionals, joining support groups or therapy sessions, counseling and therapy, utilizing online resources, and considering treatment centers that specialize in substance abuse.

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